Application Fee


PASC Admission Requirements

Candidates must have:

  • Four years of full-time certificated experience in a public or private school. This experience may be teaching, pupil personnel work, librarianship, health services, clinical or rehabilitation services. Candidates who are currently employed in an administrative capacity, must provide proof of five years of full-time experience in a public or private school under a valid teaching or student services credential.
  • A valid clear California teaching or student services credential

Candidates must submit:

  • Signed and dated letter of recommendation from immediate supervisor on district letterhead.
    • Verification of current employment and at least four years of teaching or student service experience in a k-12 setting must be on SCCOE Verification of Certificated Experience form: form

Admissions decisions will be communicated via email. Upon acceptance, you will receive detailed instructions on how to register for courses and submit the non-refundable $500 application fee.

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