Application deadline is September 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM.


Education Preparation for Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice

The CASC program delivers a cohesive and comprehensive curriculum that integrates coaching and professional development over a course of two years. Professional development, delivered in a seminar format, is based on the California Professional standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs) and designed to develop proficiency in these standards. Each participant is assigned a coach, and coaches meet with participants monthly, guiding them through the development of the standards with ongoing self-assessment and reflection. Participants develop an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) with specific goals and objectives that align with their job-embedded fieldwork.

Total program cost, $8,500.00 with a registration fee of $75.00. The tuition is charged at $4,250.00 per year and paid in quarterly payments.

CASC Program Handbook

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