
Course Description

Candidates will be provided an overview of the role of educational leaders in influencing political, social, economic, legal and cultural contexts affecting education. This course will address how leaders develop greater public understanding of education policy and how leaders use their understanding of social, cultural, economic, and political contexts to shape policies so every student graduates ready for college and career. Additionally, participants will learn how to successfully engage with governing board, district, local leaders and the broader community to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning.


Section: EDA 636 - EDA636-100

This course section has a restricted enrollment. Only candidates who started their program in the Spring of 2023 are eligible to enroll in this section.

This note is for Alum Rock Unified School District (ARUSD) PASC program candidates

The course section ARUSD 636-MON only open to candidates enrolled in the Alum Rock Unified School District (ARUSD) PASC program. If you have been accepted into this specific program and are unable to enroll, please contact an advisor at (408) 453-6740 or email at epp@sccoe.org. Otherwise, all other enrolled candidates in our PASC program may enroll in one of the other section options available.




Enrolled candidates for this section must have an approved application for the ARUSD PASC program. 

Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.
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