The Extensive Support Needs (ESN) ACCELERATED PATHWAY is designed for the experienced teacher with a Multi-Subject or Single Subject Credential seeking to add a Extensive Support Needs (ESN) special education credential to their educational portfolio.  Teachers with special education credentials in other areas of specialization are welcome to apply as well. The ESN Accelerated Pathway is an intern based program that consists of 10 courses (19 semester units) that are completed in less 12 months.

Extensive Support Needs include providing specially designed instruction to access grade level California Content Standards in the Least Restrictive Environment. The education specialist provides intensive instruction and supports in two or more of the following domains: academics, communication, gross/fine motor, social-emotional, behavioral, vocational and adaptive/daily living skills. The supports also often include health, movement and sensory support. Extensive Support Needs practices include lower student to educator ratio.


The Education Specialist Instruction Credential: Extensive Support Needs authorizes the holder to conduct Educational Assessments related to students’ access to the academic curriculum and progress towards meeting instructional goals, provide instruction, and Special Education Support to students with extensive support needs related to one or more of the following disabilities: autism, deafblind, emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, and traumatic brain injury; in kindergarten, including transitional kindergarten, grades 1-12 through age 22, and classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available.


AP ESN Fall Pathway

AP ESN Spring Pathway

AP ESN Summer Pathway

Credential Approved Program-Sequence of courses
(Based on when you first enrolled in the program)


Fall Application Deadline: August 10, 2024


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